+91 9355619999
Court Street Branch | Dharapuram Road Branch
+91 99948 96600
Together we can choose the fitness package that suits your goals. You give us dedication. We give you results
Ready To Make A Lifestyle Change. Get more fit at energie studio .
Personal Training

Benefits of Personal Training :
With over 400 pieces of the latest fitness equipment and over twelve classes a month, you get a lot more gym for less at energie fitness studio.
Going to the gym isn’t easy by yourself. For many of us we do a long day’s work and when we hit the end of the 8 to 12 hour slog, a mental battle takes place. In the red corner- is the healthy, motivated, committed exercise enthusiast that put’s on their gym kit and says ‘lets do this’! In the blue corner, and a real tough contender is your little inner devil inside you that looks at your gym bag and says ‘Nah, go home, put your feet up, slob on the couch and eat a pizza! A Not Today to the gym!’. The little devil in the blue corner often delivers a knock-out punch right? With a Personal Trainer the mental battle becomes a little more one sided in favour of the exercise enthusiast in the red corner! If you’ve booked an appointment, and you’ve committed to turning up, your behaviour tends to follow your intentions! So just simply booking a Personal Trainer can be enough to motivate you into showing up, and once you’re in the gym, no matter how slow you go, you are still lapping those people at home on the couch!
It starts to make sense!
There’s nothing worse than going through that mental battle, putting your gym kit on, going down to the gym floor and suddenly that horrible realisation dawns on you and you say to yourself ‘I don’t know what I’m doing!’. If you don’t plan your workout, the chances are, unless you really have mastered the art of spontaneity, you’re not going to have a good workout. This is where Personal Trainers step in. A good PT will have your session planned out for you, and it won’t be any old plan that they’ve found off the internet, it will be an exercise plan that makes sense to your life!, you’ll be a happier member of energie for longer!
The research is taken care of!
If you’re into health and fitness, and we assume you are as otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this, you’ve probably been exposed to a wealth of knowledge from all different types of sources over the years. The job of a Personal Trainer is to stay on top of all these latest trends and decide which ones are right and relevant for you! It’s a confusing world out there, we just don’t know if High Intensity Interval Training always trumps Low Intensity Steady State Cardio at all times of day, so let your PT decide! You just show up and do what you’re told ;)
Support you all the way!
Ok, so haterz gonna hate! When you upload your first gym selfie picture on facebook and announce that you’re a fully-fledged member of energie looking to make some progress, not all your so called ‘friends’ are going to be there for you! Many will be jealous and even tell you to your face that you’re not going to stick to this so ‘why bother?’.
With a Personal Trainer behind you, they you’re your best interests at heart, they’re not your bitchy best friend out to have better abs than you when you step on the beach this summer, nor are they that over-caring family member that tells you ‘you're’ tiring yourself out’ with all this ‘gym stuff’. A Personal Trainer will push you to your limits you are comfortable with, and will only ever view your training sessions in a non-judgemental, supportive manner!
Correct your form!
It’s not about counting the amount of weight you lift, it’s about making the amount of weight you lift count! We really wanted to quote that and reference some expert BodyBuilder from the 70’s who pioneered the whole ‘good form’ movement, but in truth we’re that cool we just made that quote up! Being cool aside, form is really important, incorrect form puts you at risk of getting injured, and worse still- can even inhibit your progress in making Youtube videos of Ronnie Coleman and Men’s Health Magazine may well offer good form tips, but where a Personal Trainer really comes in handy is that they can give you that feedback while you are performing the exercise, and make noticeable adjustments to your ‘lifting tekkers’! It’s not just the lifting form either that Personal Trainers can help you with, they can help you with your running form, your body-weight exercise form and even your ‘mind body connection’ form!
Be better at your sport, life and everything!
Lots of people hit the gym for a reason, there’s a fair few out there who are actual athletes and train for their chosen sport. ‘Bravo’ if you are one of those truly dedicated souls who use the gym to improve your sports performance! But if you’re doing this without a Personal Trainer, you’re surely missing a trick? A Personal Trainer will be able to choose the appropriate exercises for you that will improve key skills required for your sport. If you’re looking to improve Speed, Quickness and Agility and Personal Trainer will have an array of exercises and tests designed to help you. If you are more concerned with getting your balance and coordination right, again a Personal Trainer will have a whole host of exercises in their locker to assist you in this!
Whatever it is you’re looking to achieve, a PT can make you better!
Do more in less time!
When you’re training by yourself, even if you have a concrete plan in mind, it can be hard to say to yourself- ‘time to take this stuff to the next level’ and then follow that up with doing 30 burpees then 20 leg raises until failure! You would have to be highly motivated and very strong-willed to do this. A Personal Trainer on the other hand, will turn your workout up a gear or two! With exercising at a much higher intensity, you’ll burn more calories in a shorter space of time.
If you’re goal is weight loss, or to get lean muscle- a calorie busting workout is your best friend, so again a PT might be just what you need to progress!
Eat Clean Train Dirty!
It’s not just while you’re on the treadmill or while you’re stood in the Squat Rack that a Personal Trainer can have a positive impact in the way you go about reaching fitness goals. Many experts contend that to get the ideal body it’s all about 50% training, 50% diet! Whether that’s right or not, a Personal Trainer can certainly help you track your nutrition and assist you in the kitchen as well on the gym floor!
A good Personal Trainer will offer a diet plan after having a check with our inhouse diet department and a platform to monitor your carbs, protein and fat intake. All of us are different in look to shape , we are unique in this world , hence there is no diet that is standard for all , each body is different and a good diet must be checked and customised for you by our diet department .
It’s All About Results!
Finally, we guess there’s not much point in joining the gym if you’re going to give up after a month. You didn’t go out of your way to be part of the energie family, only for four weeks down the line to pie this training off and revert back to TV and Heavy foodie nights on the couch (or whatever other sedentary habits you had). With a Personal Trainer, you will stay at the gym for longer for 2 reasons. Firstly, as we’ve covered throughout this post, you’ll be more motivated to show up but secondly, with expert advice coming your way, a great deal of support and a better lifestyle approach you’re going to see RESULTS!
We don’t leave gyms when we see progress, so with the right person by your side
For the most up-to-date information talk directly to our front office or our manager
contact our studio directly at +91 99948 96600


Additional Fees:
There is an additional fee for personal training apart from the membership package .